Lord, here's what I've been thinking.
What can we do from earth that will cause a heavenly supernatural response, like healing, deliverance, outpouring, breakthrough, angel involvement, etc. You told me recently there is heavenly language. Tell me more about heavenly language. Maybe this will be a key for us.
A: I know your heart, Beloved. The best way to learn a new language is to get to know someone from that country. That someone in this case is the Holy Spirit! This is done by becoming aware, tuning into the Spirit. To get what you desire from heaven you must express sincere desire for good. Heaven's language is heart motivated. Heaven waits and listens to hear that desire expressed. This language is not just words - it's felt expression!
We know your heart as you mature and become heart led. Heaven's ways, My ways become evident, seen and understood.
When you express heaven's heart with your words you have "activation" or heaven/Kingdom manifesting to earth as your desires.