Good morning, Lord.
The scripture, Isa 55:11 is
familiar to most Christians.
"So will My Word be which goes forth from My mouth; it will not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire."
I thought I knew what it meant that You sent Your Word with intent, with purpose from heaven. The Word You send then comes to earth and performs that intent, but I believe You showed me that we, Your ecclesia are the ones that hear Your Word, understand Your intent and activate it so that it does not come back to You without accomplishing Your purposes.
I had not seen us involved in this process before.
A: Good morning, Beloved.
This is a day of Kingdom activation from heaven to earth! How will My Kingdom come to earth if no one is receptive? How will My Kingdom manifest if My will is not proclaimed?
The added energizing element for the day, Beloved is you, My Church, My Body! It will be those looking, waiting, attentive, passionate for My will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.
So, My Beloved, recognize the "Word" I send and release it! I'm counting on your ability to hear and obey in this important season!